4755 York Blvd Los Angeles CA 90042

closed until
Aug. 6th

then open
Sat. & Sun 1-6pm
or appointment


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Sea and Space Curated on John Arms for 4 weeks

in conjunction with the exhibition:
Traveling Open Art Display (TOAD)
Up in Open Arms
June 5- June 28

Sea and Space curated weekly ideas for the 2" X 4" tattoo framed plots of skin on each John's forearm to be enacted every Friday night of the exhibition (June 5th , June 12th , June 19th , and June 26th). Ideas were chosen based on their ingenuity, creativity, and radicalism.

John's Arms, 2009, photo by Lara Bank, in
the collection of Nate Garcia.


Week 1 John Arms Sea and Space curated work

Yard, Lara Bank, June 5-11

Egg on Arm, Clay Chaplin, June 5-9
Week 2 John Arms Sea and Space curated work


Arm Candy (hickies), Adriana Yugovich, June 12-16
aka hickie mountain

Idea Box on Arm, Anonymous, June 12-18

Film Screening on Arms:"C'était un rendez-vous" by Claude Lelouch, Eric Medine, June 19 Film Screening on Arms:"C'était un rendez-vous" by Claude Lelouch, Eric Medine, June 19
Chocolate on Arms, Bianca D'Amico, June 19

bridge, Amy Blount Lay, June 26

bridge, Amy Blount Lay, June 26 bridge, Amy Blount Lay, June 26